Friday, February 29, 2008

The Sovereignty of God

A.W. Tozer says “… I know that many discouraged Christians do not truly believe in God's sovereignty. In that case, we are not filling our role as the humble and trusting followers of God and His Christ…

I’ve been dwelling lately on the sovereignty of God. Recently, something happened that made me feel like a door eruptly closed on me. In the midst of the moment, I was talking with my sister and I said over and over “I believe in the sovereignty of God, I BELIEVE in the Sovereignty of God, I BELIEVE in the SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD!” My sister said “Pam, it sounded like you are trying to convenience yourself.” I told her that I was just trying to get what was in my head into my heart.

So, with that said - what is the Sovereignty of God all about? His word says in Psalm 139 that all the days of my life were ordained before one of them came to be. I do believe we have free will but I also believe God is so much greater and knows that path we will take despite our free will.

For example, was David’s sin God’s will? David’s sin wasn’t God’s perfect will however I believe God knew before David was created the path he would take. Or how about this - can we truly marry the wrong person? Think of an unhealthy marriage for a second… I personally do not think you can marry the wrong person… don’t misunderstand me. We have free will and we will live with the consequences of our free will just like David did but if one marries and a child is born – doesn’t scripture say the child was ordained before the creation of the world and wasn’t the days of that child’s live ordained before even one of them came to be?

The older I get, the more I understand the importance of trusting God. We do make choices daily – choices do have consequences therefore we need to make the right choice… with that said though I am trying not getting so caught up in those moments of figuring out what God has in store but instead just trusting God’s sovereign will and that He will direct my path.

I don’t have all the answers… Just food for thought.