Thursday, January 31, 2008

Life's Too Short

Life's Too Short... Use Your China!

Why is it that we store our china away for special occasions
like Christmas, Easter & Thanksgiving?
God is good all the time!
Can’t we find something special to celebrate in our daily lives?

My mom gave me her china right before my parents went to the Philippians as missionaries. Her one regret is that she didn’t use them more often.
She loves those dishes!

I have had her china dish for 3+ years now and
just recently used them for the very first time.

So what’s my resolution?
I want to challenge myself to find more things to celebrate
and use those dishes more often!
Feel free to stop by
any time and let's celebrate God's goodness together!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!!!!

I can't believe I haven't written anything since September. So sorry for those that actually read this!!!! I spent the holidays with my sister Donna in PA and my older sister and her family came for a short visit on Sunday. Mom and Dad stayed in Florida because my older brother Eric and his family went there to visit. Emil stayed in Guatemala since he is a new missionary and his organization requires that he spend a whole year prior to returning home.

The New Year came in with friends! It was a great time. I hope to be a bit more faithful in writting this next year. Until than - God bless and enjoy the photos!