Monday, July 29, 2024

Wisely Courageous

Walk by Faith Devotional Series by Pam Keegan
Day 6

Scripture reading: Esther 5:1-8, 7:1-6 

When Esther approached King Xerxes, she went wisely courageous, not in her own strength but in the strength of her God. She used her God-given wisdom and experience to carefully and intentionally plan the best strategy for asking the king. She didn’t blindly rush into the throne room. She prepared a rich banquet; trusted God heard her prayers and granted her an audience with the king.

When her very life was on the line, Esther chose to trust God’s wisdom and yield her life to Him.  Courage is the strength of mind to carry on despite danger. Esther’s wise courage was not her beauty or her position. It was her faith in an unshakeable, unstoppable, unchangeable God.  

Esther also went with boldness – boldness in the confidence of God. Proverbs 28:1 says, “The righteous are bold as a lion.” Esther would not have had the boldness to speak to the king if she hadn’t sought the heart of God through prayer and fasting. It was in meeting with God that she found strength to risk her life in order to see her people delivered.

With wise courage and bold confidence, Esther seized the right moment, presented her case and humbly asked for mercy for herself and her people. 


God has ordained you to be where you are at this very moment in your life for a reason. He has called you and ordained you to handle the circumstances you are in. He has a calling on your life - a purpose and a plan. Remember who you are, just like Esther had to remember who she was. Boldly step out in faith and walk in His strength and wisdom.

One believer fully surrendered to God, walking completely by faith can rise up, boldly step out and change the history of the world. Will you be one to rise up, to submit to the sovereignty and leading of God?  God has called you for such a time as this!

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