Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Mighty Warrior

Scripture reading: Ephesians 6:10-20

My grandson Owen's name means “little warrior.” From birth I have prayed for him and before I knew the meaning of his name, God gave me the image of a warrior along with a deep sense that this child would grow into a mighty warrior. There is a spiritual warfare that needs us to “put on the whole armor of God” found in Ephesians 6:10-20. All of the elements of the Armor of God are used to protect the warrior in battle except one. Only one is used to kill and destroy– the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. I suggest the difference between a warrior and a mighty warrior comes down to how the warrior uses his sword in battle.

A warrior in biblical times would train for a battle by using an extra-long and extra-heavy sword. He daily practiced swinging the sword to build up strength and endurance. The same is true in reading the Bible daily. We need to read the Bible daily so that we know what God’s truth says in order to build up our spiritual strength and endurance. However, when the same warrior went into battle, he didn’t carry the practicing sword but instead he carried a lighter, shorter and sharper sword. Why? In battle, the warrior was out to pierce and kill the enemy with one stab. This is true for us as well.

How can you use the Word of God to kill and destroy your enemy (Satan) and become mighty in your spiritual battles?  I suggest you have a word of the Spirit, a word of God to use. You need to be in the Word of God daily, however when the enemy comes to steal and destroy, you need a word of God to fight with.

We see Jesus wield a word of the Spirit in the New Testament during Jesus' forty-day temptation by Satan. “But He (Jesus) answered and said, “It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word (rhema) that proceeds out of the mouth of God.'" (Matthew 4:4)

The Greek term rhema literally means an "utterance" or "thing said." It also can refer to the Word of Scripture.

When Satan speaks lies into your life, you need to have a rhema word: a word of Scripture, a word of the Spirit to kill and destroy those lies. 

Spend a few moments in silence asking God to give you a rhema word for the trial or situation you find yourself in. Maybe it is a promise from God like “I will never leave you nor forsake you…” or maybe it is the realization of who you are in Christ Jesus like “I am chosen,” “I am forgiven,” or “I am a child of God.” 

Write your rhema word on a note card and post it some place where you can see it. When Satan speaks lies, use your rhema word to kill and destroy those lies! 

“Put on your sword, O mighty warrior!

    You are so glorious, so majestic!

In your majesty, ride out to victory,

    defending truth, humility, and justice.

    Go forth to perform awe-inspiring deeds!”

-Psalm 45:3-4 NLT (emphasis added)

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