Friday, July 26, 2024

God Is Able!

September 2021 post from FaceBook

We’ve had a Barred Owl in the cove. I have seen him far off… but never closeup. This morning, he flew by the picture window during my quiet time. Under my breath I told the Lord that I would love to see him up close – to gaze at him and take in his beauty. I got up to go look for him but couldn’t find where he flew to.

About an hour later, I took my breakfast and a book I am reading down to the chair by the lake. I finished my breakfast and picked up the book. I read this from the book God Is Able by Priscilla Shirer. “You’ve tried. You’ve prayed. You’ve asked. You’ve begged. You’ve fretted. You’ve calculated… You’ve tried being gentler, then firmer. Louder, then quieter. More assertive, then more submissive. You’ve admitted where you went wrong and refused to gloat when you were right. You feel like you’ve done everything you can think of. And honestly, you’re starting to seriously wonder now if God can do this, if He can do… It. You’d still like to think He can. And if you were to spout all your churchy rhetoric, it’d sure sound like you believe He can. But deep down – down where your soul pulses with doubt and uneasiness – you wonder about the circumstances, that life issue, that dilemma you’re facing. God may be able to keep the stars in the sky, the earth tilted on its axis, and the heavens hung in glorious array. But can He do this?” 

Just as I finished reading that paragraph, the Barred Owl landed 15 feet away from me. He first landed in the water and then jumped up on the retaining wall. Not wanting to scare him away... under my breath, I called for Jeff several times realizing I didn’t have my phone with me. 

In that moment, if I can be honest with you, I talked to it like I was a fool. We stared at each other for the longest time. I looked right into its eyes, and I told him, "Do you know I asked God for this moment?" I actually talked to the owl! I know, crazy right?! I told him how beautiful he was. I actually said, “Do you know there’s power in the name of Jesus? I asked to see you closeup and here you are!” After a few moments, he flew to a branch, flew to pole, landed on the ground and then flew into the neighbor’s yard. 

Jeff was able to get the following photos of the owl after my little conversation with it. 

I cried for a good 10 minutes after he flew away. Oh, my friends! Our God is able! If he is willing to answer a simple request like seeing an owl close up, trust Him to show up in the big things in your life. Even if you have to wait 30 years – God is able!

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