Monday, July 29, 2024


Walk by Faith Devotional Series by Pam Keegan
Day 1

Scripture reading: Esther 2:1-18

Have you ever been forced into a situation or had something taken from you? Esther 2:8 says, “Esther was also taken…” The verb means taken by force and refers to being acquired like property. Because of her beauty, Esther was taken into the palace to be a part of the king’s harem. 

In that moment, Esther lost her freedom: she belonged to the king. If not selected to be queen, she would stay as part of his harem. She was an orphan Jew separated from the only person she knew, her uncle Mordecai, and she could not live out her Jewish heritage or her faith in Yahweh. 

Being in line to marry the king of an enemy nation was against everything she was taught and raised to believe. Image the fear and despair this young girl must have felt! She was a victim! Yet, Esther’s story offers hope for our painful, traumatic or life-altering situations. 

Esther did not respond to her circumstances as a victim. She rose to the situation and won favor not just with the King but with all who saw her. Did you catch that? Esther 2:15 says “all who saw her.” Why all? Esther walked by faith into her situation and trusted God’s sovereignty over every detail of her life.  

Like Esther, everything can be taken away but the power to choose faith alters your attitude towards the events you find yourself in. Believing that God is sovereign over all is faith that can never be taken away. It cultivates character within you. Do not let your circumstances define or derail you from trusting God’s sovereignty over the events of your life.

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