Saturday, July 27, 2024

Green Pastures

What does green pastures and still waters look like to me? 

What sounds am I hearing? 

What emotions am I feeling? 

In what way is God making me lie down? 

What does it look like for God to restore my soul? 

What does it look like to be lead in the paths of righteousness for HIS name sake and not mine? 

What do these paths look like? 

In what way is God leading me today? 

What does it look like to walk confidently through the valley of shadow death fearing absolutely no evil? 

How do I walk through it knowing God is with me? 

How is God’s rod and staff comforting? 

What does He’s rod and staff look like to me? 

How does it feel to have His rod and staff used on me? 

What particular way is He using them in my life? 

“Lord, You are my shepherd, and I can be a bit of a dumb sheep. I will follow Your lead gratefully today into moments of rest; I will kneel to drink delightfully today from Your still waters. I will stop striving long enough for You to restore my soul; I will let You lead my feet on the trails of right relationship.” Amen.

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