About a month prior to my birthday trip to Maui, I sent this e-mail to the gals going with me.
“With all my heart… I am going to Maui with no expectations except for one thing… I am asking God to show us HIS MAGNIFICENT GLORY in ways His can only do! Will you pray with me – Let’s ask God daily to reveal Himself to us through our friendships, our activities, our wonderful rest, our time alone with Him and most evidently through HIS creation!!!! LORD – Show us YOUR GLORY!”
Well… The LORD showed up and HE showed up HUGE!
Daily, exciting things happened. God spoke to each of us in different ways and we left with glowing faces not only because of our time in the sun but because of our time with the SON!
We saw numerous rainbows (full and half) as well as a double rainbow! Beautiful sunrises and sunsets… God’s indescribable, uncontainable creation truly is amazing! On Sunday, we walked along a path that lead us (unplanned) to a beach front church service were we were able to start the week off worshipping our Savior. During the service, one of the gals was reading a scripture verse in Isaiah on how God bring water to the dry and thirst land - at the very moment she read that verse, God sent a pineapple shower (a gentle mist the refreashs the body, cools you off and evaporate almost immediately) - it was a gentle, sweet message from God to his Beloved!
Oh, how Great is Our God! I wonderful sweet moments with great friends… The whole week was amazing!

With all that said, I have to share about my actual birthday. On my birthday, I wanted to take the gals on a day excursion over to Lanai via a catamaran.
As we left port, we were sitting behind the captain and I leaned over and asked the girls to join me in saying out loud “Lord, Show me Your Glory!” Within a few minutes a whale (kind of far off) breaches before our eyes several times. A few minutes later I said again, LORD, Show me Your Glory!” and within a minute or two another whale emerges with it’s baby along side. A couple of minutes after we started to move again I asked yet again “LORD, Show me Your Glory!” Each time I asked, God displayed yet another form of his creation. We saw several types of dolphins (bottlenose and regular) and a spinner fish… - It was increditable - the sea animals were coming up along side of the boat, moving along with us! God is so awesome!
It was SO exciting! But to be honest, it was also very overwhelming! I knew without a shadow of a doubt that all of this was happening because I was asking God to reveal Himself to me. It was even confirmed by the captain of the boat. He announced to the entire group several times “The birthday girl has karma, the birthday girl has karma!” It was amazing to hear him say it was happening because I was asking! What confirmation from a non-believer! Around the third or forth time he said “The birthday girl has karma” I had to turn around and say “That's not karma – that's GOD revealing himself to me!” At one point the captain called the experience a “mugging from the sea animals.” It was so marvelous!
I had so many emotions flowing through me – part of me wanted to cry, part of me wanted to giggle, part of me wanted to sit and another part wanted to stand in awe – all of which I did!

Towards the end of the day as we sailed back to Maui, we all were looking out to sea waiting to see what would happen… and nothing happened… One of my girlfriend said “Pam, You haven’t asked.” I have to be honest here and say it took a bit of time for me to get the nerve up but when I did, I leaned over to one of my other girlfriend and said “LORD, Show me YOUR GlORY and be BIG!” She kind of giggled and I said “What? You don’t believe?” She said “Oh no, it’s not that I don’t believe…” Well, within a minute or two, we had a whale emerge right near the boat, at one point it even swam under the boat and emerged on the other side! Really close to us! It was awesome!!! The captain slowed down the boat and we sat and watched the whale as it played in the water. When the captain announced it was time to leave... you will never guess what happen! The whale was on it’s side and no joking - it waved its fin as though it was waving goodbye! I couldn't even believe my eyes!!!

You know what, this time it wasn’t like the shooting star experience. I didn’t need to say “Wait… Hold on… Lord, can I go get someone and can you do that again!?!? I had 5 of my dearest friends, never mind a boat load of people and a captain all with me to witness this whole experience! God was loving His bride (me! Can I say that again - ME!) like no earthly man could ever love me! What an amazing day! It goes down in (my history) as being one of the best days of my life.
So what are YOU waiting for????
Go ahead– Ask God to show you HIS GLORY and ask Him to be BIG!
Show Me Your Glory
by Third Day
I caught a glimpse of Your splendor
In the corner of my eye
The most beautiful thing I've ever seen…
Show me Your glory
Send down Your presence
I want to see Your face
Show me Your glory…
Wow! That is a great story! Thanks for sharing. Keep looking for ways He reveals himself to you.
Pammer! I am so glad you had a great time. You have such a tender heart for the Lord. I marvel over how God speaks to you. Please don't ever change. You encourage others to have that same child like faith once they get over their enviousness!!! Continue to be overwhelmed by Him. It is a good thing. You're the BEST
Good words.
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