Quick overview: In August 2006, I had just been layed off from my previous employment and took a week to help out at a Royal Family Kids camp for foster children. I really don’t remember all the details except that it was around 11:00pm at night and I took a walk out into a field to pray before I went back to the cabin. I was standing looking up at the stars when Beth Moore’s story of asking God to show her His Glory crossed my mind.
Beth took a hike in the Grand Tetons alone - just prior to leaving for the hike she asked God to show her His Glory - within minutes a baby bear crossed her path. The whole point of her story was to challenge us to ask God to show us His Glory and than be on the lookout to see him answer in our daily lives. God wants to reveal himself to us daily – we just need the “eyes” to see His presence… it could be through a phone call, a friend, nature etc.
Anyway back to my story… I was out in the middle of the field (feeling a bit overwhelmed with my current state) and I looked up and asked out loud “God, Show me your Glory… Show me YOUR GLORY… SHOW ME YOUR GLORY!!!” and before I could even finish saying it the third time I saw the most vibrant… the most wonderful shooting star I have ever seen. It was bright and had a long glowing tail and for a second I felt that everything was moving in slow motion.
It kind of cracks me up now but my immediate thought was “Wait! Hold on… Lord, can I go get someone and can you do that again!?!? No one will ever believe me!!!! You know what, no one needed to believe me because it was my shooting star and it was God revealing Himself to me in ways only He can.
See part two for the continuation…
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