Kathleen Parker ( a columnist) said “Most people don’t get to say goodbye and almost none as eloquently…” when speaking about Charles dying.
I struggle with her comment that most people don’t get to say good bye. That’s not true. We all do. We just don’t take the opportunity nor do we live as though today may be our last. While Charles was eloquent, he was also intentional. He lived his life with purpose and he ended his life well. Oh that I would live my life in such a way that those around me would know without a shadow of a doubt that they are deeply loved by me. That I lived with the knowledge that this earth is not my home. That I waited patiently for my true bridegroom to take me home. That I lived knowing that all the days of my life were numbered before one of them came to be and that my home going is not a surprise to God and shouldn't be a surprise to others.
If you read this and I am no longer here on earth… Put your faith in God. Follow hard after Him. He is trust worth. He deeply loves you and you too can have confidence in spending eternity with Christ.
Please hear me on this point. I give you permission to not be ok with my home going… I give you permission to mourn well. All I ask is that you don’t stay there. Live and love life to the fullest. Keep your eyes on heaven. Rejoice in my home going. And choose joy!
For more information on how to put your faith in God go to: https://billygraham.org/story/have-you-heard-the-good-news-of-salvation/
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