On July 16th 2015, I woke up at 2:55 am by the
voice of God. I know it sounds crazy but…
I very clearly heard the Lord tell me to circle my friend seven times like the
wall of Jericho. Each time I was to
circle him, I was to say “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord, God Almighty, who was
and is and is to come!” and place my hand on his heart, then circle him again. After the seventh time, I was to tell him
that God wants him to know I was trustworthy.
Interesting I thought to myself but there is one problem... My friend left the day before for a two week
vacation to Greece with his sister. Crazy
as it sounds, I immediately texted my mentor and asked her what she
thought. She suggested I pray over it.
I started to pray and Ieven envision myself circling around my
friend seven times, doing what God had asked me to do. Without exaggeration, I must have prayed this
in my head at least 30 to 35 times a day.
Still the relentless voice of God did not depart. So I continued to pray.
When he returned from vacation, we met up and I teasingly
told him about the “dream” and how I have been visualized myself circling
around him when praying for him. I told him everything except
for the part where God said He wanted him to know I was trustworthy. Instead, I told my friend God wanted him to
know people were trustworthy.
Why was I not honest?
I was afraid. Afraid of what he
would think… Afraid of being misunderstood… Afraid of being vulnerable… My pride got in the way.
I had massage appointment so we parted ways for about two
hours. As I lay on the table, I clearly
heard the Lord say, “That is not what I told you to do!” When we met up again, I immediately told him,
I wasn’t completely honest about the dream.
God wants you to know I am trustworthy.
“Whew!” I thought to myself. “I
did it! I am done! I can now move on!”
That night as I was trying to fall asleep, I heard the Lord
say, “That is not what I told you to do!”
I responded back, “Lord, are you actually asking me to physically circle
him seven times. You have got to be
kidding me – that’s crazy! Na, you are
not really asking me to do that! Are
The following week, my bible study was based on hearing the
voice of God and fully obeying His leading and the strongholds/lies that
get in the way of following His voice. By the third day, I knew I needed to physically circle my friend. I immediately contacted him and told him and he graciously
responded, “Ok, let’s do it!” We met up
and I did it. I actually circled him seven times! I was nerve and to be
honest, I forgot to place my hand on his heart each time and I forgot to tell
him God wanted him to know I was trustworthy.
My friend has not confirmed that circling him like the wall
of Jericho meant anything to him and I realizing it is not my job to figure it
out. It’s my job to listen and obey. God just wants my full and immediate obedience. With that said, two days later, I was
finishing my week’s lesson and watched the video associated with the homework. The study was about fully obeying God’s
leading and replacing the negative thoughts/strongholds with God’s truths. The video used the example of the “walls” tumbling
down when we replace the negative thoughts, with God’s scripture. I forwarded the video to my friend. For me this was confirmation, that I heard
the voice of God.
Here is the question…
Did my friend miss out on God’s blessing because I didn’t immediately respond,
didn’t fully and immediately obey?