Tuesday, March 19, 2013

“The constant flow of river water dances against the glacial rocks…"

A friend wrote that quote in her blog titled “I come from God” where she refers to life being like a flow of river water. The river has a greater source that forces the water downstream, with the river’s twists and turns, the water is forced around, through and over rugged rocks, broken branches and varies forms of debris. Parts of the river flow smoothly while other parts form white water rapids. It is with those thoughts that I pondered God’s reference to peace being like a river…

IS 48:18 “If only you had paid attention to my commands; your peace would have been like a river, your well-being like the waves of the sea.”

Few circumstances “rock” my world but when they do, they seem to hit me in one key area of my life. My thoughts. For the most part, I am content with where God has me in life. I am independent and self-sufficient but from time to time a circumstance will take me for a loop and I find myself caught up in the twist and turn of the “river” and I focus on the “glacial rocks” before and around me. I get scared and my unhealthy thoughts dwell on lies... For me those lies trigger a deep sense of feeling forsaken, deserted, abandoned, isolated and alone.
In His loving ways, God has beautifully reminded me that He Is Enough and I am NOT alone.

  • He has lovingly reminded me to pay attention to His commands and keep my mind within the boundaries of His word. Phil 4:8 says “Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent or praiseworthy – think on such things.
  • He has lovingly reminded me that just like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego - I can be delivered from the fire, I can be delivered through the fire or I can be delivered by the fire. The same is true for those “glacial rocks” in the river beds of life.
  • He has lovingly reminded me that just like Daniel in the lions’ den - I am not alone. 2 Tim 4: 16 - 18 "At my first defense, no one came to my support, but everyone deserted me. May it not be held against them. But The Lord stood at my side and gave me strength so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed... I was delivered from the lion's mouth. The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom.”
  • He has lovingly reminded me that just as the Lord ’s Prayer says “Give us today our daily bread” God will meet ALL my needs for today. I am not to focus on tomorrow but just keep my mind focused on today.
My friend ended her blog with the following quote “I wonder what it would be like if more of us dared to relax into the current of the River, to trust where the flow carried us as the exact place where God desires us to go? I think my life would be less about trying to do the work of God and more about enjoying the ride all the while glorifying God.”

My focus shouldn’t be on the twists and turns or glacial rocks but the greater source of the river - The Great I AM is in control and He is enough!

Oh may I learn to relax and go with the current. May I learn to kick up my heels and enjoy the ride.  May I learn to enjoy both the smooth river waters as well as the white water rapids on this journey called life.

Footnote:  The quote is from Charlotte Ferris' blog posted on Eagles Wings Ministries.

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